Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another work weekend

Whew! I had no idea what we were taking on with this kitchen renovation. I am probably about the millionth person who has every renovated anything to say that. The dust, the debris, the mess....did I mention the dust? And all I did was stand by and freak out about the mess, Paul did the heavy lifting. And I literally mean heavy lifting. He uprooted our entire countertop and has it down to the wooden slats for our templating that happens tomorrow for our granite countertops. So I have no countertops, obviously, but as you can see from the picture below I also have no sink which means no running water in the kitchen. Needless to say, we are eating out all this week.

The good thing is that it is done and ready to go....and I only have to really deal with this for the rest of this week and then we are gone until they install the countertops on March 9th. I can't wait!

With Paul working hard all weekend I did my best to entertain the kids. It was a little difficult, especially keeping Amelia off the dirty floors. Saturday Alex went to gymnastics where he did lots of flips and even did a somersault on the balance beam! Coach Ashley gave him a picture Valentine's Day card and he has been carrying it around every since. Oh yes, he has his first crush on an older woman.

Despite being hindered in where she could crawl around Amelia was still her happy self, she even is starting to stand by herself for a few moments. Of course as soon as she realizes she is standing alone, down she goes but we are getting close to those first steps....I can feel it!

She has also gotten quite quick at climbing the stairs, she can get up them in less than 30 seconds I swear! Even holding a puzzle piece as I caught her doing here.

Today as Paul finished the kitchen, Alex has a playdate over at Bridget's house. He has really missed Bridget since he left his preschool and they had a great time playing today. I was really grateful to have something for him to do as well since I needed to run errands (buying a bigger suitcase was top priority for our trip) and doing errands with one kiddo is much easier! Bridget's Mommy has also been great in setting me up with plenty of summer clothes for Amelia for our trip which is ever so appreciated!!

The only big bummer from this weekend was the news I received this afternoon that my grandmother had fallen and broken her hip. She laid there for 2 hours until my aunt became panicked when she couldn't reach her on the phone and sent her brother over there to see what was going on. My uncle found her laying at her neighbor's house where she had slipped when she had ran over to check on their house since they are out of town. Only my 80 year old grandma would jet on over to her neighbor's house wearing FLIP FLOPS in the RAIN!!! Geesh. My aunt just informed me she is having hip surgery tomorrow afternoon so any thoughts and prayers to my grandma are greatly appreciated. Wishing you all a fabulous week....I hope to get up at least one more post before we leave on Friday for our big trip!

1 comment:

~cHaNnOne~ said...

I am SO sorry about your grandma. Hopefully the surgery went well. Of course I am praying for a speedy recovery. Have a fun trip if I don't talk to you!!