Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

This past weekend we celebrate Amercia's birthday in the same manner many others did, with swimming, BBQ and fireworks!

All four kids had a great time running around, throwing poppers on the ground (and some at each other). The Hodge family had been in Italy for the past two weeks so Alex was glad to have his best friend Sean back.

Alex was really excited about fireworks and I was excited that this would be the first year Amelia got to experience them. Well, she really enjoyed the fireworks show at the local high school. She pointed at the sky saying "stars!" and "pretty!" However when it came to setting off our own fireworks she was not having it. As you can see from the photos below we had help her through our little firework show.

For now I am throwing myself into planning Alex's 5th birthday party which I am of course going totally over the top for. I will be trying to document my planning process as much as possible so some sneak peeks will be coming up in future blog posts....

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